Trouble Ahead: Kim Kardashian’s Battle with Legal Woes Takes a Dangerous Turn!

Kardashian has been accused of presenting falsely an artist’s work. deceased artist.

The Judd Foundation, a non-profit organisation dedicated to protecting the legacy of the late singer Donald Judd, filed an action against reality show model Kim Kardashian in the federal court of California today. The suit alleges that the clip she posted on YouTube included fake models of Judd’s furniture Reuters said..

In the foundation’s lawsuit Kardashian falsely claimed to be a knockoff of Judd chairs and tables made by the Los Angeles-based interior design company Clements Design as original Judd furniture.

In the complaint Kardashian has been accused of committing fraud through false endorsement, as well as Clements Design of false advertising as well as unfair competition. copyright and trademark violation.

Judd Foundation the president Rainer Judd The daughter of the artist and president of the foundation, stated in an announcement that Juddd’s furniture was an “integral part of his legacy,” and that unauthentic furniture “undermines the integrity of his original work,” according to the outlet.

The late Judd who passed away in the year 1994 was renowned for his minimalist work which were displayed in a variety of museums, including The Museum of Modern Art in New York and the Tate Modern in London. As per the Foundation the furniture designs of his are offered for sale “faithfully adhering to Mr. Judd’s exacting specifications.”


The complaint claims the following: the Kardashian’s skincare business, SKKN by Kim, has hired Clements Design to make tables and chairs for their office spaces that matched Juddd’s style. In a YouTube film tour around the office from 2022 Kardashian has been accused of having made public this fake piece of furniture.

“If you guys are furniture people–because I’ve really gotten into furniture lately–these Donald Judd tables are really amazing and totally blend in with the seats,” Kardashian stated at an earlier moment in the video according to the screenshots of the complaint. This YouTube clip was included to in the complaint, but was hidden and unavailable until Wednesday morning, Reuters reported.


In the suit, a number of media outlets falsely reported the fact that Donald Judd furniture adorned the office that “predictably led consumers to believe the source of the furniture was Judd Foundation” and that Kardashian and her company was “associated with or endorsed by Mr. Judd and the Donald Judd brand.”

Since Clements Design and Kardashian refused to reuse the furniture, erase their video or even provide corrections to the advertising the foundation argued that it had “no choice” but to take them to court.

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