Some fans went so far as to renew their calls for Considine to win an Emmy or some other award. Some fans even went so far as to call for Considine’s Emmy for his outstanding performance. Some fans doubted if Considine’s brief return would be enough to earn him the recognition he deserves.
Daemon Targaryen‘s (Matt Smith’s) visions and dreams have been exploring Daemon Targaryen’s regrets all season. It was not hard to predict that his brother will return before this self-reflection is over. Fans were still ecstatic to see Considine on the Iron Throne.
Considine’s debut in this episode is more or less an reenactment from Season 1 with no changes to the dialogue. He was angry at Daemon once again for the way Daemon talked about the death Viserys’ wife Aemma, and their infant child. Then he banished Daemon to King’s Landing. Smith’s performance was nuanced as he hesitated before approaching the King, almost like he wanted something different to happen this time. He tried to escape and became panicked when the doors were locked.
Considine and Smith were both given a better showcase in the episode’s second appearance. Viserys was examining the corpse of his wife and Daemon approached him. Considine received the same adulation he’s always received from his fans for breaking down and letting go of his regal façade in his brother’s arms, without appearing to deviate from his character. Daemon’s response was better than in real life. He comforted his brother, without regard for his position.
It was also a welcome advancement in Daemon’s storyline. As soon as he made amends for his past in this vision and changed something, things started to improve for him in the real world. Alys’s (Gayle Rankin) ability to see Daemon’s visions and dreams in great detail is credited to this. Alys Rivers (Gayle Rankin) is suspected by some fans to be controlling Daemon’s visions. This would be a new concept for TV but has precedents in the novel series A Song of Ice and Fire.
Viserys may appear again in Daemon’s dreams, but it is not yet clear. Daemon has done a lot of good in this episode. He made things right with his brother’s ghost, which he did not do with Rhaenyra when she was younger. It is safe to assume that we will be seeing Alcock, and not Considine, again. Daemon is a character with many sins that he must atone for. It’s impossible to predict how many people Daemon will see in his dream before the war ends.