“Penn Badgley’s Shocking Revelation: Believed Steven Tyler Was His Dad in Elaborate Prank!”
Penn Badgley reflects on his time as The Gossip Girls and a prank Blake Lively that was pulled on him. The You actor recalled a prank Lively pulled on him, in the latest episode of Podcrushed, via Entertainment Weekly. She convinced her co-star Steven Tyler to be his father.

Badgley said to his co-hosts Nava Kvelin and Sophie Ansari, “I cannot muster a single eff” about pranks. I admire those who can. Blake Lively, who is or may not be well-known for it, was, according to my memory, a very serious prankster. She played a prank that was truly amazing on me. It’s crazy.” He continued to say that he would “never think about it” if someone were to play a joke on him. “I’m probably trusting, I think it says something positive about me. I just don’t ever believe that someone is trying to play a joke on me. She had one thing going for her.
Lively, at one point in The Gossip Girls six-season run was able bring in the Aerosmith lead singer’s team to make the joke even more plausible. Badgley said, “I receive an email that says, ‘There is a press item we’re trying kill, but, just so you know… Steven Tyler believes he is your father.’ I don’t recall the exact words, but I do remember thinking: “Who in their right mind could think that this is true?”
Penn Badgley also explained that his Publicist had even contacted him a few weeks later to let him know that the story was not “going away.” Tyler’s publicist and manager also called him to confirm that Tyler was certain. Badgley was still not convinced but he had no idea what would happen next. Blake Lively suggested that Badgley ask his mother for confirmation.
Badgley said that his mother is not an actress or a prankster. So when she became upset, he thought it was legitimate. “I was like, Mom, why aren’t you happy?‘ She then takes a pause – that’s the pause I was sold on – and says, “Why do you suppose we left Maryland?” For a good five to seven second period, my world changed. I thought, “Are you kidding me?” “I am Steven Tyler’s child?
Badgley quickly realized that it was April Fool’s Day and the “rationale” kicked in. He looked at Lively who was “unable to keep a straight faced, and I said, ‘Ah f ——April Fools.’ Who knows how long the prank would have lasted if it wasn’t April Fool’s Day. Lively might have been able to get Steven Tyler on board.